HTML5 & Flash, Future of business of reading

Feb 12th, 2010 | By

Morning Reading, selected articles of interest from various publications.

The Future of Web Content – HTML5, Flash & Mobile Apps, by Jeremy Allaire
I think it’s critical to first frame and understand this discussion with the broader political economy of Internet software platforms. Most of the debate and discussion over HTML5 vs. Flash vs. Native Apps has little to do with what is the right technical approach, or whether something is open or closed, it has to do with the expressions of power and control that drive the businesses of the Internet’s dominant platform companies — Apple, Adobe, Google and Microsoft.

Each of these companies seeks to create unique runtimes and APIs that provide a strategic wedge that can drive other aspects of their business. […]For Apple, this is hardware and paid media (content and apps) sales. For Google, this is about creating massive reach for their advertising platforms and products. For Adobe, this about creating major new applications businesses based on their platform. For Microsoft, it is about driving unit sales of their core OS and business applications.
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10 luminaries look ahead to the business of reading
The tablet is the Holy Grail for media people: a more portable, more visually interesting way to deliver news that can be constantly updated. I’m very excited to see what will be possible in the relatively near future in terms of presenting information, curating content — the whole realm of things that magazine making is all about.

Unlike the computer screen, a tablet might be able to create for the reader more of a sense that you are in this carefully constructed closed garden; when you’re online you feel like you’re always just a click away into the great sea of media. I think that environment will be good for editors and content creators, and it can probably be useful for advertisers too.
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Lina’s comment: The luminaries include Matt Mullenweg, Kevin Rose, Marc Andreessen and Jimmy Wales.

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