Greece will be better off voting Yes on July 5 because…

Jul 3rd, 2015 | By

Today, after years of bad government, Greece needs the influence of less corrupt, financially more successful European countries to help it out of the quagmire.

If there is any risk of  Greece becoming self-contained with  the sole influence being  self-serving (never People-serving) parliamentary candidates it has now and had for at least the last 20 years, a vote to be allied with stable and successful partners will be best for all. If there were only one benefit, the influence that might lead towards the rise of Greeks who can stand tall with the slightly more honest ministers of other European governments. Less corruption, more progress, sane expenditures and a bright future.

In isolation the risk is of  totalitarian domination over a gradually impoverished society is too high.

There are as many if not more, intelligent, clever, hard working people in Greece as in any country one might name – suprisingly still true, after so many have sought to live in other countries which encourage them rather than stifle – so there is no reason not to be able to create a fine future if those who believe in a day’s results rather than the patronage of favors and pandering, become the new political leaders and see it as worthwhile to stand in the future for election to serve the people.

So grab the chance. Much has been ruined recently. Not all is lost. The win is still there, waiting for the bold.




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