CappuccinoIndex by Roger Ellman

Jul 29th, 2011 | By
The Cappuccino Index by Roger Ellman

The index lives! Cappuccino Index is served

This is the candidate to replace the 25 year old Economist Big Mac index
This is the new index!

A combined measure of a (single/short/small size) cappuccino served both IN
and for Take-Out/Take-away in each country.
The IN and Take Out combination serves to reduce factors such as VAT for IN
service, increased charges especially in some countries (Italy a good
example) for service at a table etc…

– – –

The cost median fall for cappuccino experienced in the USA (i.e. more
McDonalds coffees and Dunkin’ Donuts coffee sales changing the average
versus Starbucks and swish cafés) reflects actual pricing changes in other
sectors as well.

Same is reflected in Europe and Asia with this type of coffee becoming more
readily available as a vended or cheap fast option (admittedly not always of
the same quality) at lower price versus chichi cafes.

This is the index for the next 10 years.

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