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200 Million bus tickets

200 Million Bus Tickets

Post-Brexit coffee taste changed

It's not because of the referendum, but the coffee blend prepared at this specialist cafe in Bath, Post-Brexit UK, by ...

The lull of the leap year, the lure of the moment given

Today, in the future you may wonder when this was written and I will tell you, is the 29th day ...

Spectre: what happened to the Bond genre?

I was suspicious when I heard the title. Perhaps when you name the villain in the title, you lose the will ...

The Shapes of Things – a story taster

"Something is wrong with the way people live. You can tell by the way they walk" said Doherty. Rivers were flowing ...

APRIL FIRST 2021 – Just foolin’

APRIL FIRST 2021 The Ever Grounded, the biggest freight ship in the world, fully loaded with containers of plastic buckets, fake moustaches and  spare parts for kitchen food mixers, among  1,916 other items on their way to customers across the world, has been stuck with bow wedged into one bank and stern dug into the […]

“The God delusion”, by Richard Dawkins

Why read this book? These excerpts speak for the book: [Referring to Julia Sweeny ] My first call from my mother was more of a scream. ‘Atheist? ATHEIST?!?!’ […] I think that my parents had been mildly disappointed when I’d said I didn’t believe in God any more, but being an atheist was another thing […]